Yes, they're powerful questions - aren't they? Respected. MMm, yes, it's a thing! 😂

Will check out that course. x

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Thanks Suzy, these are great questions! And oof no 4! Reading ‘respected’ was one of those moments where you feel surprised and think, that’s even a thing? So now I’m thinking about how I don’t respect myself. Laurie Santos has a fab free course about happiness on Coursera.. The Science of Well-being.. which I highly recommend x

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Powerful questions, I particularly liked number 4, as an only child that really got me thinking! 🤔xx

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Yes, I'm still trying to get my head around that. It's a whole book! 😂

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These are great questions Suzy. Sometimes it's hard to know where to start. Oh my I could write a large book on number 4! Have a way to go, but I'm getting there. Thanks for the prompt, I'll find some time to answer to them properly.

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Thanks Louise. yes, I know what you mean but great for journal prompts to ponder when you have the time and space.

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Ooh these are really good journal prompts and I’m definitely going to come back to them time and time again. A great one for today as I switch into “summer holiday mode”

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Ooo, lovely a summer holiday, a journal and a big question - summertime bliss! x

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Oh some beautiful questions here! I particularly have found the values one to be so so helpful in my Motherhood journey and I really look forward to diving into 5! X

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These are great questions aren’t they? But my goodness no.4 switched on some lightbulbs.

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It's such a big one that it's taking me quite a long time to unpick it all. Let me know how youget on. x

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