Great article. Judith is wonderful. We met at a private dinner years ago along with the fabulous Dr Joe Dispensa. Then we met again at another private function so I asked Judith if she’d be a contributor to my book “ the confidence factor” and she said yes.

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Thank you so much for this Suzy, it's fabulous! 👍 As an empath myself, I suffered for many years with overwhelm, self-doubt and shame. Luckily I managed to find someone who helped me turn that around and these affirmations are very similar to the ones I used. I think Dr. Orloff's advice is fab and I'll definitely be sharing this post 🥰

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Thanks for an informative post Suzy. I know being an empath is a gift but in our noisy, often cruel and crowded world, it feels more like a curse. I would love to live in the woods but I'd also become lonely. Finding the right balance is challenging. As for the purpose of being highly sensitive, my uneducated guess is that we were important for survival because we're the ones who could smell a fire hundreds of miles away, or sense rain, storms etc. perhaps even pick up the scent of an approaching enemy. Wonderful skills in a natural jungle, but of no use in a concrete jungle. 😏 Still struggling to live as an empath.

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I love Judith’s book. It was one of the first books I read (recommended by my therapist) and when I discovered that I was an HSP. Up until that point I thought I was just recovering from childhood trauma. Thanks for this great interview.

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