So happy for you and your new home and great to hear your son is doing so well! You know me, I love a good sign! I now live my life by signs, messages, synchronicities, feelings, knowings, dreams, wishes, wants.

Life is far easier, greater and more magical this way than I could’ve ever known pre chronic illness. We thrive not in spite of all we’ve been through but because of it - and this is what I teach in my new ebook “Unleashing My Inner Power: Daring to Dream & Flying Fearless” 😍💫

Thanks so much for the mention!

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I am loving your book. I will give you a proper review once I’ve finished reading it. xx

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I had a deep feeling you would really love this book. Be very interested to see how the journal prompts are received by you and what a difference they make.

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Suzy, such a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing. I am the biggest believer in signs too. Your words are incredible 💕

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It’s a sign!!! I love following them….

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Ah how lovely to see the northern lights! In 2006 I moved from London down to Bournemouth and I felt similarly that I was seeing signs. At first I had to work my notice at UCL and was driving back and forth each week - and every time I reached the New Forest and the sun seemed to come out at that point - I felt like I was driving home (metaphorically - obviously I was literally). I’ve been telling myself a lot lately to keep the faith and focus on the main goal - I’m easily sidetracked! Lively happy post 💚

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Yes, I agree. It’s all about our focus and we all get lost sometimes down a few dead alleys but then the Northern Lights appear over your house and remind you….we are on the right path….

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I mean lovely!

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Love the authenticity.

What else is there to follow other than a sign and our hearts

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Let’s follow the signs, the stars and the breadcrumbs. xxx

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What a beautiful piece of writing Suzy, full of hope, compassion, love, and awareness of signs and synchronicities, thank you for sharing. What an unfolding of life, learning and love over the last three years for you, with Alnwick & Northumberland as your backdrop. It reminds me of the quote from Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist, "Wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure." Finally, my move is coming, it feels like at long last, I am coming home. It would be great to have a coffee. Enjoy your well-deserved celebrations.

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Let’s celebrate with cake in Barter Books. So glad you’re moving here. xxx

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Perfect, I will be around the corner from BB, excited! xxx

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Such a lovely post, thanks for sharing xx

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Thank you xxx

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Hurrah 🎉 for you have achieved, created and been through.

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Thank you. x

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Here's to you, Suzy! 🎉🫂

Magical images too.

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Love this so much and as a fellow ‘it’s a sign’ declarer, whose friends also laugh at me I can totally relate!! Wow what a lot you’ve achieved in those 3 years!! Just brilliant but that’s all down to your hard work, resilience and passion for what you do, which is infectious to us heart leapers! Keep doing all those amazing things and enjoy this new life you have created ❤️

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A beautiful post, Suzy!

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I don't think there are mistakes - life has no guarantees ultimately. However your writing is guaranteed lovely!

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Thank you. Let’s keep on writing.

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How lovely 😍

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Thank you.

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Beautiful 😊 I'm so envious of all the northern lights sightings, it just looks so magical. Here in Auckland we get a lot of rainbows and I always choose to interpret them as a sign that things are going to be OK 😃🌈

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I agree - rainbows are also a massive ‘sign’ that WE AREON THE RIGHT PATH. x

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I’m in agreement about signs and things happening for a reason!

I’m in the middle of some massive storms right now, and can’t always see where I’m going, but I’m becoming more confident that I’m going in the right direction, and that the storms will come to an end as all storms do!

Looking forward to Alnwick next year for the the first time with Juliet and other friends!

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Sending you huge hugs and some tent pegs to hold on to when the wind starts swirling. It will be fantastic to meet you. xxx

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So much gorgeousness and beautiful honesty on the magical path Northumberland stretches out. ✨🙏 Can’t wait to pop over for a cuppa! ☕️

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Thank you for your support and help. xxx

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What a beautiful post. This has warmed my heart. 🥰

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Thank you so much.

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