Jul 6Liked by Suzy Walker

It’s so basic but this has been hanging over me since last October - decluttering my wardrobe. Every.single.day I’d feel the dread as I opened it, with nothing to wear that felt right for the day / fitted my changing perimenopausal body (that increasing middle). I’d exclaim ‘I MUST clear that wardrobe!’ at least three times in a day. I’d list clothes on vinted and then have the admin and logistics of that drive me mad. So draining.

Yesterday - I did it in a morning! New storage boxes helping the process, and just one bag for the charity shop. This task that I dreaded for so long isn’t about getting clear of clothes; it’s about decluttering my mind, creating space for personal growth and a wider declutter of the things holding me back in life. I always knew that really, but made it about the wardrobe.

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You have inspired me. Just ordered some cardboard boxes. If we can just get started.

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I really like this question, and I’ll be curious to see if anyone is similar to me. I’m currently working on a research project which is changing the direction of my life (I’m becoming a biological psychologist) I absolutely love it. But I dread getting started on it, not because I don’t enjoy it, it seems to be about my ego battling the change, as if I don’t believe in myself or it’s stopping me from growing. So today I will do at least 1 hour on my project no matter what. And let my soul show the ego who’s boss.

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I really resonate with this! When I’m starting a new client project or something I really want to do I often end up stalling because I’m slightly nervous of it not ‘flowing’ or turning out to meet my expectations. Xx

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yes!! Me too.

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Yes, I have the same… as much as I find exciting to start something completely new, I will then procrastinate on the necessary steps to achieve such new goal afraid of failure or maybe even afraid of what succeeding will bring…

Unfortunately for me this procrastination leads to wanting to keep starting new things all the time, and the man overwhelm catches me and I end up stuck.

For today I’m choosing to ground in the feeling I want for today and act on it. One action a day. My action is prioritizing. Prioritize one activity per day and get it done. ☺️

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I love this - I think I get stuck in ideas and grounding myself in action really, REALLY helps. My word for the year was FOUNDATION

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I love this Carolina. Especially the phrase “maybe even afraid of what succeeding will bring”. I bet there are a lot of us in this position. Go us for taking it one step at a time and moving in spite of fear.

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One step at a time, moving in spite of fear.


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Me too. Avoiding a writing opportunity because of a technical challenge, afraid too like so many other times, I'll start and not carry through.

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Let's support each other to carry on.

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And the technical challenge has been overcome, for the first time anyway!

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Hello Suzy, I joined Heart Leap but can’t find details of the meetings. Would you be kind enough to send me the link? Many thanks!

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Solve a technical computer issue.

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