"No matter how far away from yourself you may have strayed, there is always a path back. You already know who you are and how to fulfil your destiny." — Oprah Winfrey
There have been times in my life when I have really strayed from the path - when I’ve lost myself in drinking too much, working too much, getting sucked into other people’s dramas and have spent my days revolving around someone else’s sun versus my own.
Mostly I got lost because I’ve been running away so fast from something that I lost my bearings so ended up in the wrong place with the wrong people in a strange bar in the backstreets of Barnsley (just me?)
So far, I’ve always managed to find my way back from that real (and metaphorical) bar in Barnsley.
And the way back has been all about following my heart leaps.
First, I had to stop running and then, I had to take a breath and then I had to start noticing the tiniest of heart leaps.
What made my heart and spirits lift versus sink?
That’s how I found my way back.
How do you find your path back when you’ve drifted off course?
(day 24 of 31 day journalling challenge)
Such a juicy question today Suzy. Thank you. When I need to get back in my world ~ turn off the electronics, pour a cuppa and read a book. If I’ve really lost myself, I will go to therapy and up my self care. Early nights, salt baths, lots of water, daily walks and writing. When all is lost, my journal is the place I find myself 😍 I rarely reach out to friends but I’m getting better at that. That’s such an old pattern I’m breaking. I usually share with them after I’ve processed it all and I have the energy to return their love. 🥰
Have you ever thought of making this journal into a book? I'd buy one.