It’s actually another way of saying that we should live intentionally…and those tiny decisions may not be tiny on their own, but tiny because they take a nanosecond in our brain to be made…instead of 3 days of a week…
So, for me it is deciding to work out 10min every morning, so I search for 10min workouts on YouTube and just do it…It has also been, asking myself in a split of a second if I am really hungry before eating a snack during the day…
Both of these tiny decisions have made a huge and very noticeable difference in 6 months time…🩶
I love that. I think I’m just starting to do this. Well, when I started by Substack back in April I started to do this in a more noticeable and measurable way. I’ve posted consistently since and that small decision is having an effect - though I’m still very much in the early stages, I can see the change in my course. 💚
It’s actually another way of saying that we should live intentionally…and those tiny decisions may not be tiny on their own, but tiny because they take a nanosecond in our brain to be made…instead of 3 days of a week…
So, for me it is deciding to work out 10min every morning, so I search for 10min workouts on YouTube and just do it…It has also been, asking myself in a split of a second if I am really hungry before eating a snack during the day…
Both of these tiny decisions have made a huge and very noticeable difference in 6 months time…🩶
I love that. I think I’m just starting to do this. Well, when I started by Substack back in April I started to do this in a more noticeable and measurable way. I’ve posted consistently since and that small decision is having an effect - though I’m still very much in the early stages, I can see the change in my course. 💚