“Words are sacred. They deserve respect. If you get the right ones, in the right order, you can nudge the world a little.” – Tom Stoppard
Do you believe that?
Do you believe words are sacred? That words are important? That they can change the world? That they can change your world?
I’m not being dramatic but I would say that words have not only changed my world but saved my life. In my blackest hours, I have turned to the words of others for help, for comfort, for support, for knowledge.
Knowledge that my pain is nothing new and that others have suffered a version of the the pain I have felt and got to the other side.
And they not only have they got to the other side but they have written about it.
They have climbed out of the pit of despair and turned around and reached down to the person sitting at the bottom of the pit and said: ‘Come on, take my hand, just find one foothold, I’ve got you, it’s lighter up here, sit with me while you catch your breath, you are not alone.’
Novelists create characters that have overcome, found a way, figured it out, authors create how-to guides that give you steps to follow, philosophers and coaches ask questions to help you see things differently, speechwriters lift you higher than you ever thought possible with an ideal that feels hopeful against the odds, poets rip holes in the fabric of your inner prison to let the light flood into the darkest cell.
Yes, I believe words are sacred.
When have words changed your world?
Have words ever saved you?
The Heart Leap Writing Hour starts at 9am today.
In honour of sacred words, I’m opening today’s writing hour to all subscribers. Join us.
The Heart Leap Writing Hour is a simply a bunch of friendly writers getting together to commit to write their words for an hour on Tuesday and a Thursday at 9am. A short chat at the beginning and end and then just a quiet writing time for you to nudge the world a little.
Here’s the link:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 822 1381 0644
Passcode: 905299
Beautiful, Suzy! I was once going through grief after losing someone, and decided to do a "30 books in 30 days" reading challenge. Reading other people's words was so helpful! It reminded me of the breadth of the human experience, and helped me feel connected to humanity without needing to socialize.
I would say that reading the book SOUTH OF BROAD by pat conroy totally changed my view on words, the power that they have, and the infinite possibilities of how to use them! I hated reading~loved collecting books~but never was a reader until I was into my forties! Now I can’t stop!