“We can’t become what we need to be by remaining what we are.” - Oprah Winfrey
2024 has been quite full on for me— I’ve been working really hard to get my life back on track and creating new roots in Alnwick, my new fairytale hometown in the North (it has a castle and a secret garden).
After moving here with a man, then splitting up with him, selling the house we bought together, it’s definitely been a year of growth and inching out of my comfort zones. But I feel I’m back on track after a very shaky start to my big leap from London to the North East.
What about you?
Take a moment to reflect on the milestones: the wins, the stumbles, the pivotal moments that pushed you forward, whether you liked it or not.
Sketch or write a timeline of your year. Start from January and mark the highs, the challenges, and the little moments of growth you didn’t notice at the time. Maybe it was taking on a new project, setting boundaries, or learning to rest (guilt-free!).
Look at your timeline and circle the moments that mattered most. What lessons did they teach you? Growth doesn’t always announce itself loudly—it often whispers. Take a deep breath and see if you can create a little personal celebration of any progress you’ve made.