26th February—winter is still lurking, but spring is technically on the horizon (depending on whether you go by the calendar or the daffodils).
Either way, we are nearly through the other side of Winter.
This month at Heart Leap we’ve been focussing on firing ourselves up after hibernating and figuring out what we want this year to bring us.
I have been suggesting a load of positive psychology exercises, given you journal prompts and permission to inch your way out of your comfort zone.
I hope you’re feeling a tad more energetic and ready for the year to begin.
March is nearly here and we are at the fag end of February: grab yourself a journal and let’s start plotting some creative mischief.
Why? Because on March 19th, I will be facilitating The Artist’s Way written by Julia Cameron. It’s a legendary twelve-week course designed to help you rediscover your creativity, silence your inner critic, and finally stop saying “I’m just not creative” (spoiler: you are).
Musicians as diverse as Alicia Keys, Pete Townshend, and Kelly Lee Owens, along with writers like Patricia Cornwell, have credited The Artist’s Way with transforming their creative lives. Actor and director Kerry Washington even declares on the back of my copy, “It completely changed my life.” Reese Witherspoon is also a fan. And if that’s not enough, multimillion-selling author Elizabeth Gilbert has said, “Without The Artist’s Way, there would have been no Eat, Pray, Love.” Quite the endorsement!
I lead The Artist’s Way group every year in the Heart Leap community. I’ve tried to do it by myself before but without the accountability, I find it really hard to stick with it. It’s a deep and transformative process and every year, I find myself circling round a new layer that I need to sink into, a lesson I need to learn, old thinking that I need to let go of. It’s a very magical process and it’s changed the course of my life over and over again.
It’s not only for those who see themselves as creative but also for those who just want to try something new, to break out of a routine or a rut or has you reaching for the sun instead of tolerating the rain.
Cameron’s approach is simple but wildly effective. She introduces two daily rituals that are absolute game-changers:
Morning Pages – A freewriting exercise where you spill whatever’s in your head onto the page first thing in the morning. No editing, no overthinking—just clearing out the mental cobwebs. Think of it as a brain detox, but cheaper than therapy.
Artist Dates – A solo adventure where you take yourself somewhere fun and creative. It could be a trip to a gallery, a pottery class, or even just wandering around a bookshop without a to-do list. The only rule? It has to be just for you.
So, as February winds down, consider this your warm-up: find/buy a new journal (scrap paper will do, but something fancy might inspire you) and start writing down a few notes every morning. How do you feel? How do you want to feel in 2025? What’s bothering you? What’s inspiring you?
Plus start researching ideas for your own Artist Dates. Where would you take your creative self on a little field trip? What sparks your curiosity?
This isn’t about instant transformation; it’s about planting creative seeds ready to bloom in spring.
I will be facilitating weekly calls from 19th March at 1pm for all my paid subscribers. (Do go and buy the book and let’s get ready….)
For now, check out this great interview with Julia Cameron
If you want to start March with your ultimate Artist’s Date - why not head up to Alnwick Story Fest - a story festival, I co-founded in the wilds of Northumberland? It’s this weekend 28th February to 2nd March.
I look forward to doing this in a group. I did TAW , years ago on my own and still opt for regular Artists dates.