Happy 1st March in the Heart Leap Universe.
The first of the month will always bring the invitation from me to start again, to reset, to decide again, to recommit to your direction, revisit what’s not working and either make a few little changes or some massive leaps to get yourself back on track.
Sometimes we just end up going in the wrong direction, or get lost or run out of energy and that’s all OK. But to build a life that makes your heart leap, you do need a few pit stops to catch your breath, look at how far you’ve come and look at the map ahead and decide.
Yes, decide if you still want to go in the direction you’re going.
I believe it’s about intention and a conscious decision. Of course, there are going to be stumbling blocks along the way, curveballs and sometimes wrecking balls that take you out at the knees.
But whatever point you’re at, it’s getting yourself to a ‘pause place’ where you can look around, notice and decide what’s working and what is not - and create a plan for doing less of the latter and more of the former. I always think the first of the month is a great time to do this and to set a theme for the month.
I’m a great believer in the power of words. Part of my monthly reset is creating a one word (sometimes one sentence) theme for the month ahead so when I’m flagging, when I’m losing my way, my theme becomes my compass: ‘This way….’
So let’s set a theme for the month of March.
March is that in-between month—winter’s still lurking, but spring is teasing us with longer days and the occasional bout of sunshine. It’s a season of transition, a stretch-and-yawn moment where everything (including us) starts to wake up. So, what’s your theme for March? Here are some ideas to help you set your intentions:
1. Warm-Up Month
Just like a good workout, March is about easing in—warming up your body, mind, and plans before spring takes full effect. It’s the perfect time to shake off winter sluggishness and build momentum for the months ahead.
2. Fresh Starts & Second Chances
New Year’s resolutions didn’t stick? No problem—March is the real fresh start. With nature hitting the reset button, it’s a great time to do the same.
3. Declutter & Bloom
Time to clear out the mental and physical cobwebs. Whether it's your wardrobe, your to-do list, or those lingering doubts holding you back, March is about making space for new growth.
4. Take the Leap
Spring invites movement—literally and figuratively. Whether it’s a creative project, a new habit, or just stepping outside more, March is about small, bold actions that move you forward.
5. Energy Awakening
The light is coming back, and so is your motivation (hopefully). This is the month to gently re-energise, focus on self-care, and get excited about what’s ahead.
My personal theme for March is: Open Up.
I’ve been huddled up all Winter and a little bit barricaded all my life (😂.) I want to open the windows, let the fresh air in, want to open up to receive new ideas, I want to let it come to me, I want to open my heart and truly trust, I want to be open to new adventures, I want to be open to support.
Journal Prompt: What’s Your March Theme?
What do you want this month to feel like? Pick a theme that excites or challenges you, and write about how you can embody it in your daily life. Whether it’s a season of action, creativity, or simply soaking in the small joys, make March your own.
Let’s welcome this month with open arms—winter, it’s been real, but we’re moving on.
P.S. Remember for all paid subscribers, we are celebrating Spring by starting weekly Artist’s Way classes from 19th March at 1pm. The Artist Way by Julia Cameron is a 12 week programme recommended and lauded by everyone from Elizabeth Gilbert to Reese Witherspoon. It has completely transformed my life. I facilitate this course every year in the Heart Leap community. I hope you’ll join us. Put weekly wednesday 1pm workshops in your diary from 19th March.
My word of the month is “joy”, which builds on my intentions for the year around fun, friendship and fruitfulness. The “how” for me this month is encapsulated in more alliteration: writing, rowing and restoration. (Mostly self-explanatory but in case you were wondering: Earlier in Feb, we cleared out the space around the rowing machine I’ve owned for years but had stopped using. This month I will try a little rowing several times a week)
I think my word of the month is going to be 'breathe'. A reminder to take a proper big breath. Fill the lungs and be present when I can as the world is getting a bit scary right now!