How do you make people feel?
What do people say about you when you leave the room? What do you say about yourself in your own head?
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou
In the month of July in the Heart Leap Universe, we are taking part in a journalling challenge.
Just grab your journal and answer one question day - build self awareness, start learning about what you think and feel - without editing yourself - turn up and vent and rant and be honest with yourself.
Start there.
On day 6 - ask yourself - in your daily interactions - how do you make people feel after they have been in your company? When you walk away from a meeting - what do people say about you silently? What do you bring to the party? What is your emotional vibe?
Then ask yourself - When you are interacting with yourself, when you talk to yourself in your journal, what is your inner voice saying? How do you make yourself feel? Who speaks loudest - your inner critic or your inner coach? How often does your inner coach have the floor? What does she say?
Are you in a supportive, loving relationship with yourself?
This is such a brilliant prompt - and I love that quote. It’s so true 💕
This is a great prompt.. very interesting.. thank you 😊