At Heart Leap, I explore how to build a happy, creative, and simple life. At 9 a.m. on Tuesday and Thursday, I host ‘happy writing hours’ for paid subscribers. It’s for anyone who is trying to write a book, start a substack, or just have a little accountability for their writing practice. We chat for 5 minutes or so, and then we write quietly together for the rest of the hour. It’s strangely comforting and motivational to have a cohort of writers to support you and write alongside you. I also run monthly master classes on motivation and inspiration.
March 1st is the 61st day of the year. 304 days left
Week 8 of the year. 44 more weeks to go before another new year dawns.
So we’re still right at the beginning of the year.
But out of the darkest days.
The dawn is starting to creep into our bedrooms earlier, and the warmer air wakes us more gently I’d like to think.
The light is getting softer, the possibilities more flirtatious.
I’m not always that great mood wise in January and February – I think I have Yogi-bear genes and my urge to hibernate and do some nesting and wintering is strong.
But after the festival (@Alnwickstoryfest certainly lights up the darkest part of the year), I feel the mood shifting and lightening, shoots of ideas and possibility starting to peep through the cold and dark moods.
The festival helped. For me, it was like a weekend of unseasonably clement weather which turned up my inner thermostat from cold to hot.
And I don’t think it’s a hot flush.
Is anything stirring?
How about you? Is anything stirring? Spring is around the corner, the daffs are nodding, the snowdrops are pushing through, the bluebells waiting impatiently.
On the first of the month, I always invite you to start again.
What is grabbing your attention?
What is interesting you?
What is making your heart leap?
As Spring approaches, as our energy rises, as odd blast of sunshine warms our bones and faces – where are you heading?
What’s your plan?
My word for 2024 was foundation.
61 days in, I’ve started to build that foundation.
It’s slow.
But I’ve committed to get a good, readable draft of my book finished by my birthday 4th May.
I’m 20 days short of a 100 day meditation streak.
I’m contributing to my substack regularly.
I’ve started dating.
I’ve started to build my freelance career.
We’re building a bigger idea on top of the foundation of @alnwickstoryfest.
I’m making new friends and working to heal old friendships.
It wasn’t easy in January and February when I just wanted eat cake in bed with my electric blanket on and watch The Durrells.
But this month, I am beginning to feel a surge of energy.
How about you?
This substack is about starting again to create a simple, happy, creative life.
As the nights get lighter and the days get longer- what can you do differently or more of to turn up your inner thermostat?
From the cold, dead ashes of Winter, how can get your flame flickering again?
We are in the middle of a long overdue house declutter so this month feels like a great time for spring cleans. Our living room is being re-carpeted and repainted so everything needs moving out - and after being in the same house and raising boys for the past 20 years we have A Lot of Things. So my plan for this month is to declutter and try not to lose focus after one room is done but to identify and move on to the next.
Where am I headed? I’m not sure, yet. But I’m dealing with old painful things so they’re manageable, and so I can clear some space to create something new.